Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Lunch With A Friend

Today I had lunch with a cool work friend.  It had been awhile since we touched bases and it was good to just sit down, share a meal and talk about our lives.  

I work in a facility with around 6,000 people.  And although I’m blessed to work with and know quite a few of my coworkers, it’s amazing how time can go by and you don’t see someone for a length of time.  It’s almost as if you lose touch.  The further I go in my career and they go in theirs, the less we see of each other.  Our lives are filled with meetings, deadlines, and making sure those in our immediate circle (unit) are covered.  So it’s easy to let friendships slip and have no clue as to what is going on in the other person’s life. 

We decided to go out to lunch at Jacks Urban Eats.  If you’ve never been there, the place is really good.  I had the tri-tip cheesesteak sandwich and a glass of tea, and we shared the Urban fries.  Crispy French fries with a blue cheese dressing and chili oil drizzled over and chili flakes.  YUM!

It’s amazing how time flies.  I remember when she was pregnant with her son…now he’s starting little league.  Her daughter just hit the “terrible two’s”.  She’s having fun juggling parenthood and a relationship and all the little things that make up a life.  I love that about her.  She glows when she speaks of her family.  Her job is going well also.  She just got a new promotion and is figuring out her new role. 

Spending time with her makes me realize that we need to spend time together outside of work.  Carve out a little weekend time to enjoy the friendship. There is a 20 year age difference (yes, I’m the geezer), but I don’t really feel it when visiting with her, and that just makes me love her even more. 

True friends are like diamonds, precious and rare.  False friends are like stones, found anywhere.

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