Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Imagine My Surprise...

Having done the Online Dating thing, you get a feel for the scammers that try to convince you that they're in love, willing to relocate and want to be with you.

They use various stories like:

  1. I'm stationed in Afghanistan on a peace keeping mission. I'm going to retire soon. An Afghan Prince gave my unit money. We're splitting it.  I'm sending it to you, please sign for it, etc and pay yourself back from the money in the box.
  2. I work for a construction company, doing a project in Africa. My 13 year old son is with me. I'm looking for a good woman to be a mother to my Son, to treat like a queen, etc.
  3. I live in Wisconsin. I'm willing to relocate for the right woman, blah blah blah
But who would've thought that this same scam is alive and well on FaceBook.  When I get friend requests from someone I don't know, I message them and ask them who our mutual friend is, etc.  

The latest guy said we didn't have a mutual friend, he's looking to make friends.  I told him that I wouldn't accept his friend request at this time. So he asked if we could send messages back and forth and I said that would be fine.  He apparently lives in Florida and starts off basically giving me a resume of why he'd be a great partner.  I said that I wasn't looking for a cross country love, but it's ok to be friends and chat. 

In our messages, I start to see that English is a second language to him.  This is the classic tipoff of a scammer. They don't say things quite like we would.  Peruse the example below, and we'll discuss....

  1. I will like you to know i am currently working on a project down in Nigeria now i will be back to state as soon i finished this project probably 3weeks time This my first time of coming down here I lodge in hotel here and is very close to site where i work.. I use to drive 5mile everyday to work is pretty good down here the time zone is different here and the weather and lot of animals..,I am looking for a serious relationship but start with friend first and see where it goes..

"I lodge in hotel here"....and we'd say "I'm staying at a hotel here".  He's working on a project in Nigeria....classic scammer tactic.  And yes, his son is with him.  So if I were to let this continue, and feed into the whole "You're the man for me, come stay with me, we don't need to meet, we'll live on love" crap, there would be some reason that he needs money.  The company didn't cover all his funds, or he was arrested and doesn't have access to his money, or something.

I really didn't expect to have to deal with this crap on FaceBook, so lesson learned for me.  If I receive friend requests from anyone I don't know, I will not engage them!  

The thing is...what do I do with this idiot?  Do I rake him over the coals, make him think that he's successful and then drop the bomb on him?  Oh the choices...

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